I heard on the news a while back that some man and his father took turns brutally sexually assaulting a little five year old boy while the mother of the man watched; then they strangled the little boy and threw his body in a garbage bag.
I want that man and his parents to go to hell. I believe my God to be one of justice, and that He will punish evil. We must realize that it is the fact that God is love that makes Hell necessary. "Hell," as E.L. Mascall once said, "is not compatible with God's love; it is a direct consequence of it." To love one thing, we must hate another. To love children, I must hate abortion. To love good, I must hate evil. God is not just loving, but righteous and good. And how could good tolerate even an ounce of evil?
"What hell is, we know not; only this we know, that there is such a sure and certain place." -Martin Luther.
After reading Luke 16 and discussing it with friends, I have come to the conclusion that for those who do go to Hell, they must be aware of God. Eternity for them is the agony and anguish of knowing they will never enter into the presence of the one thing that would satisfy them. They won’t argue with God, but will know that this is what they deserve. But they’ll know, and they’ll recognize that Jesus is Lord.
But you’ve seen Hell. I’ve seen Hell. If you’ve encountered a broken home, cancer, a tragic death, you’ve caught a glimpse of reality without God.
John Piper puts it this way. "Who in this world sheds tears because of the repugnance and horror and the dishonor done to God because of their sin? Nobody. How is God to speak when we are so morally dead, so spiritually blind that the ultimate moral ugliness of this world phases us not one bit. 'This they can feel,' says God. 'Pain they can feel. So I will subject the whole creation with futility until they get the message that SIN IS HORRIBLE!' Diseases and Deformities are God's portraits of what sin is like in the spiritual realm. Calamities are God's previews of what sin deserves."
But before "I" can condemn, I must remember what Paul said.
“…you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.” (Romans 2:1)
I am under the same law that I appeal to for Justice, and that I am also guilty of great evil. The problem is not how could a loving God send anyone to Hell, the problem is how could God not send EVERYONE to Hell?
That's when I realize how great the good news of the Gospel message is.
You reedemed yourself in your last line. My "black and white" sensor was going off. You know, the one that says God doesn't do levels of sinning, because they're all sin. I was getting all ready to type that out and then you come with a saving last line. Very well done, sir.
The good news of the gospel? "The vast majority of you are going to hell! Good news!" You've missed the point.
I'm glad GOD reserves the right to be the only
Judge worthy of judging.
Just in case YOU missed "the point," and may not comprehend the first three chapters of Romans: None of us have been able to live up to God's perfect standard. We've "all fallen short." We're all destined for eternity apart from Him (Hell). FYI, this is not the Good News.
The Good News is this: God has made a way for us to spend eternity with Him, through His Son Jesus Christ. None of us HAVE to go to Hell.
Hey man thanks for the awesome write up.. I loved it. I am 2 not nearly perfect in Gods eyes but he accepts me bc It is him that he that I believe in.. And I that he blesses.
I can only live my life praying for the forgiveness of others from there debt from God. Unfortunately my best of over 5 years stopped beliving in God. But all I can do is prey for h his aceptance with God. Thanks again..I'll see younin heaven !
- Sent from my iPhone.
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