
“I want my daughter to live in a world where everyone's decisions are respected."
–Al Joyner (Olympic gold medal winner, 1984) in a Planned Parenthood Ad
So are we to respect all decisions, and celebrate choice for its own sake?

Shall we then celebrate the decision for one to commit suicide? Shall we celebrate the decision to drive drunk and kill another human being? Shall we celebrate the decision that Andrea Yates took when she drowned her five children?

I would hope not. Yet this is what many today are proposing when they celebrate “choice” and demand it be respected regardless of its outcome. This became glaringly apparent in Planned Parenthood's ad protesting the SuperBowl commercial featuring Tim Tebow and his mom, which actually proved to be disappointingly non-controversial once it aired. Their protests revealed their true agenda: To promote abortion, not choice.

After all, any savage woman can choose to give birth to their child. Only enlightened individuals sacrifice their children for the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Perhaps the Aztecs were on to something (please notice sarcasm).

But before we place too much blame on the mothers who suffer for the rest of their lives with their tragic decisions, let us remember that it’s the abortion doctors that get paid millions a year to propagate the lie to women that their unborn child is not a human being (even though simple biology and genetics prove it). Skeptical? Check out the testimony of Planned Parenthood's most recent defect, Abby Johnson. After having to squirm under high pressure to increase abortion to increase profits in this struggling economy, and after assisting with an ultrasound abortion and having to witness the silent scream, she was faced with the reality that the "fetus" was a human being after all.

“I could actually see it was a 13 week old baby and I could actually see the side profile of the baby on the ultrasound,” she said. ” And I could see the cannula going into the uterus. And I could see the baby moving away from the cannula trying to get away from the probe."1

I conclude that it is time we started celebrating only the good decisions we make, and stop glorifying our failures and rebellion when we, like Adam and Eve, reject Life (or the tree of it) and chose something else.

1. Story on Abby Johnson

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